Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Life in the Chiaroscuro Essays

Life in the Chiaroscuro Essays Life in the Chiaroscuro Paper Life in the Chiaroscuro Paper The novel depicts the political situation in Milwaukee in 1904 to be very corrupt and dishonest in every way. Police officers would not put people in jail because â€Å"there was no evidence† when there was clearly evidence that they would just ignore. The government was corrupt in the sense that the elected officials would do things to benefit themselves and their friends who help them. Everyone in the police force would look out for those people who the mayor told them to look out for. This is why those who were supposed to be in jail, are not. The high up officials who were part of the corruption had the means to destroy anyone who went against them. They had the power to do whatever they wanted and never suffer any type of consequence. I think that this is an accurate portrayal of corruption and politics in Milwaukee in this time period because there are very many similarities in the book and what actually happened. David Stuart Rose served five terms as mayor in Milwaukee. His corrupt mindset was held in office for 10 years. â€Å"He was elected in 1898 until 1906 and again in 1908-1910. He suggested improving the port by building docks off of Jones Island. He said that the rivers were becoming inadequate to meet the demands of trade. He was rumored to have accepted $50,000 from an electric utility but he was never found guilty in court. He was known for his corrupt administrative. He allowed brothels and casinos to operate even though it was against Milwaukee rules. While he was mayor, police were asked to turn â€Å" blind eye† upon the request of City Hall. After people started to realize what was going on, he was eventually elected out of office and a Socialist was elected in. Emil Seidel was the first Socialist mayor of Milwaukee in 1910. The book also depicts politics in 1904 in Milwaukee accurately because in the book, it says that Theodore Roosevelt makes a speech and is shot in the middle of it. Without leaving to seek medical help, he stood there and finished his 90 minutes speech. Theodore Roosevelt really did give that speech in Milwaukee. John Schrank also, in fact, shot him because he thought that a president should not serve more that two terms. Schrank was caught and spent the rest of his life in a mental hospital. After Roosevelt was shot, he went on with his speech and said, â€Å"Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I dont know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot; but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose. But fortunately I had my manuscript, so you see I was going to make a long speech, and there is a bullet there is where the bullet went through and it probably saved me from it going into my heart. The bullet is in me now, so that I cannot make a very long speech, but I will try my best. Some of the goals of American Socialist reformers in the early 1900’s were â€Å"low-cost housing, workers compensation, old-age pensions, public ownership of municipal services, and labor reform. † These goals compare to the goals of the American Socialist reformers in the novel because the reformers in the novel want to take care of corruption and get the mayor out of office. They want things to be better for everyone living in Milwaukee, not ju st the mayor and his friends. The American Socialist reformers wanted better pay, better jobs, and better benefits for workers. They wanted to prove to the people of Milwaukee that they do not need David Rose to be in power. They wanted to show that a socialist can do just fine in office, if not better than Rose. The American Socialist reformers were still not very popular so they wanted to gain popularity with the people. â€Å"While the Socialist Party was on the rise in America, it was still fairly limited in strength. Eugene Debs would never be president. As for the mayor, I was not so sure. † The role that ethnicity and race play into the novel is that people were segregated and treated differently by society as a whole. On Jones Island, it was mostly Polish and German people known as Kashubes. They were far away from the city life, living on technically a peninsula all by themselves with almost no visitors going there. They were not wealthy at all and lived in houses â€Å"so close together that you could, if you so chose, stand on one rickety porch while shaking hands with someone standing on the porch next door. † Another way ethnicity and race play into the novel is when Benjamin’s father told him when he was a boy that â€Å"you’d best avoid the wrong sort of people. Gamblers, politicians, and negroes. His father thought that in order to succeed and to stay out of trouble, he must avoid those types of people. When Benjamin walked into Slaughter’s Turf Cafe, he noticed that the people in there are the exact people who his father told him to avoid. This book is very valuable to Milwaukee because people who actually live there everyday should know what happened in their own backyard. The way basically the entire government in the city of Milwaukee was corrupt is a bit disturbing. The way things used to be politically was completely corrupt and there is no doubting that. I found the book to be extremely interesting and I loved learning about what happened in a city that is so well known in today’s society. I’m sure that the people of Milwaukee who read this book are very shocked to know what happened in the city they live in. I would expect that even the people who are not very interested in history, found it to be very fascinating to learn about what happened before their time. This book is also very valuable as a supplement to the study of American history in general because we, as Americans, should know and understand the way things used to be. It is important to learn about corruption in the government because corruption was part of the reason why some of the movements were started. It is also important because through corruption, people started to realize that the people they were voting in were only helping themselves. This made people start thinking more on whom they wanted in office and what issues they wanted changed. Putting the supernatural aspects aside, A Life in Chiaroscuro is a believable and compelling story depicting life in a typical American city. I think it is like a typical American city because back in the 1900’s, corruption was not an uncommon thing. Corruption was everywhere in many cities especially big, major cities. The government did not necessarily want to take over everything in a city. They wanted to do things to benefit themselves. There is a part in the book that shows that elected government officials link themselves to important businessmen to help themselves out and their friends. â€Å"In the midst of it all, the mayor lines his pockets with bribes from the industrial sector, particularly from John Beggs. In big cities during the 1900’s, there were many people involved in corruption. There were elected officials, police officers, businessmen, and even just wealthy people who wanted to become wealthier. This is a perfect example of the people in the book and what they did to become more powerful and wealthier than they already were. [ 1 ]. Ferguson, Paul-Thomas. A Life in Chiaroscuro. Rock Isla nd, Illinois: Paul-Thomas Ferguson, 2008. Print. [ 2 ]. mule (Civil War). Wisconsin Historical Society. Wisconsin Historical Society, 1996. Web. . [ 3 ]. Kestenbaum, Lawrence. Index to Politicians: Rose. The Political Graveyard. Lawrence Kestenbaum, 1996. Web. . [ 4 ]. Ferguson, Paul-Thomas. A Life in Chiaroscuro. Rock Island, Illinois: Paul-Thomas Ferguson, 2008. Print. 30. [ 5 ]. Rogina, Jeffries L. It Takes More Than That to Kill a Bull Moose: The Leader and The Cause. About Theodore Roosevelt: President and More, from The Theodore Roosevelt Association. The Theodore Roosevelt Association, June 1998. Web. . [ 6 ]. Norton, Mary Beth, David M. Katzman, David W. Blight, Howard Chudacoff, and Fredrik Logevall. A People and a Nation: A History of Mary Beth Norton, Carol Sheriff, David M Katzman, David W. Blight, Howard Chudacoff. Google Books. Suzanne Jeans, 2008. Web. . [ 7 ]. Ferguson, Paul-Thomas. A Life in Chiaroscuro. Rock Island, Illinois: Paul-Thomas Ferguson, 2008. Print. 149. [ 8 ]. Ferguson, Paul-Thomas. A Life in Chiaroscuro. Rock Island, Illinois: Paul-Thomas Ferguson, 2008. Print. 32. [ 9 ]. Ferguson, Paul-Thomas. A Lif e in Chiaroscuro. Rock Island, Illinois: Paul-Thomas Ferguson, 2008. Print. 65. [ 10 ]. Ferguson, Paul-Thomas. A Life in Chiaroscuro. Rock Island, Illinois: Paul-Thomas Ferguson, 2008. Print. 155.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Argumentatie in uitvoering

Argumentatie in uitvoering De claimÂ…Zaterdag 2 april 2005, het voetbal team waarin ik speel (Delta Sports 95), is vrij van voetbal vandaag. We hebben echter besloten bij elkaar te komen om te kijken hoe we volgend seizoen gaan spelen en of we en welke nieuwe mensen we nodig hebben in ons team.Aanwezig zijn alle leden uit het voetbal team met als bijzondere benoeming Marcel Jacobs (leider) en Jan van Voorts (trainer). Ik heb als claim voorbereid dat we in plaats van 4-4-2 de opstelling die we al 2 jaar spelen moeten veranderen in 3-4-3. Ik heb deze situatie van te voren bestudeerd en heb de volgende punten genoteerd.Als eerste keek ik naar de situatie:We staan onderaan in de competitie met weinig tegendoelpunten maar met nog veel minder voor doelpunten. Dit ligt deels aan het feit dat onze spitsen maar weinig heeft gescoord dit seizoen maar mijns inziens ook aan het feit dat de spitsen te weinig afspeel mogelijkheden hebben als ze de bal aangespeeld krijgen.Deutsch: 3 Dauner Maare (Gemà ¼ndener, Weinfelder , ...Als ik deze situatie kan duidelijk maken naar het team dan is dit zeer gunstig voor mijn claim.Toen keek ik naar de personen die te overtuigen zijn:De verdedigers zullen het moeilijkst te overtuigen zijn omdat er voor hun een plek verloren gaat. Dit betekend dat 1 normale basiskracht op de bank zal moeten plaats nemen. Ik ben zelf de laatste man (ook verdediger dus) en hoop dat dat een klein voordeel is. De middenvelders zullen misschien ook niet al te blij zijn met het idee omdat (indirect) het betekend dat zij meer zullen moeten verdedigen. De aanvallers zullen wel blij zijn met het idee omdat het hun meer aansluiting geeft. Hoe Marcel en Jan er over denken kan ik eigenlijk niet of nauwelijks inschatten van te voren. Ik weet dat het voor hun belangrijk is...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How does Norfolk Southern Corp. affect the Hampton Roads Area Research Paper

How does Norfolk Southern Corp. affect the Hampton Roads Area - Research Paper Example This review will look into the issues and in the end offer a concise and concrete analysis of the effects of the Norfolk Southern Corp on the residents of Hampton area. Primary information about the company as well as sources is encompassed in the review so that as more information about the relationship that exist between the company and area residents- and the area in a general- are deeply established. It is hoped that this paper will provides an informative insight into the significance of the company to the residents, the neighboring community and the micro economy of its environs. The Norfolk Southern Corporation is the company that owns Norfolk Southern Railway Company.   The company mainly focuses on transporting raw materials, semi-processed products and processed goods mainly in the Southeast, Midwest and East areas though interchanges with rail carriers in all parts of the United States.   The company also takes part in overseas freights transportations through Gulf Coast and Atlantic ports.   The company provides services as well as offering intermodal network in almost half of the Eastern part of the USA. It is estimated that in 2012 alone, the company covered about 20,000 miles in some 22 states and the Columbia (The Right Direction: Norfolk Southern Corporation 2002 Annual Report and Form 10-K p72). The system is such that it reaches various individual companies, mines, electric generation facilities in eastern and western Kentucky, northern southern West Virginia as well as Western Pennsylvania. It covers distribution centers, companies, transload facilities and various businesses located within its areas of operation. The company’s subsidiary christened Triple Crown Operations provides truckload transportation, through road trailer services. This is a technology that integrates both under-the-road and above-the-road transportation through the use of tractor trailer and highways by use of locomotives. Triple Crown also uses traditional trailers

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Policy memo for a health policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Policy memo for a health policy - Research Paper Example This followed the cumulative AIDs cases that had doubled to 51,000 from 25,000 by the year 1992 (Simao 3). The main mode of transmission was identified as being sexual intercourse which contributed to more than 97 percent of the total cases. The age group that was mostly affected was the ages between 25 and 35. The male IDU as well as the MSM populations were identified as the ones to be at most risk with the incidence rates being placed at 15 times more than the nation’s general population. At the same time, the infection rates were also observed to be sky rocketing and this was mostly observed among poor people and women in small towns. This alarming situation left the AIDs officials to refer to the AIDS trends in Brazil as being ruralisation, pauperization and feminization. Measures had to be put in place to combat the disease progress in Brazil. The earliest and most aggressive response were witnessed in the cooperation between civil society and government and grounded with respect to human rights. This made the issue being viewed as being an international success. It will be remembered that Brazil became the first developing country in 1996 to come out publicly and offer financed antiretroviral treatment to its citizens living with HIV/AIDs. By the year 2000, the HIV epidemic in Brazil had stabilized and the figures were compared to those in Western Europe and the United States with the highest rates of infection being witnessed among the high-risk groups like sex workers, gay men and injection drug users (Simao 7). However, the country still faced a number of challenges as in 2009, new AIDs cases were seen to increases among gay men, poor women and young people in smaller cities where civil society advocacy and health system were weakest. In addition to this, infection rates were observed to increase in towns and cities were the HIV/AIDs programs were

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Internal and External Factors Essay Example for Free

Internal and External Factors Essay External Factors Laura Smalt XMGT/230 May 12, 2013 Dr. B Internal and External Factors The organization I chose to write about is Subway restaurants. I have worked in management in two different locations, and have had a firsthand look at what goes into the four functions of management and how they interlock with each other. If I were to consider the planning aspect of this organization it is amazing the amount of work, projecting, forecasting, and implementation that it entails. Factors such as globalization play a huge role simply because this organization has over twenty thousand locations in seventy-eighty countries. The economy, trends, cultures, and habits in each region are taken into consideration in the planning function. When planning, corporate must consider the economy in each region, which is why one region may have a different monthly special than another. Organizing all of this also falls into the planning phase, because everything needs planned with individual marketing material, and training materials. Other factors have effects on all this as well. Keeping up with the current technology for instance, helps to keep their locations running smoothly and efficiently. Being one of the world’s largest sandwich franchises requires planning and organizing to keep up with changing innovations, and to create new menu options that keep them competitive with others. When you look at the four functions of management as a whole, it is easy to notice that not only does each function interlock, but also the organizing function interlocks with both planning and leading. In order to maintain uniform locations that are all kept up to franchise standards systems must be put in place. This is also an excellent chance to provide front line support on location where it is needed most. I think in this function factors such as diversity and ethnics have a tremendous impact. Because these require so much interaction, these factors must be considered. For example, if the regional representative shows up for the monthly sales and promotions meeting or for the inspection to all-Spanish speaking location there would be major communication issues. To address this all regional representatives are custom chosen for the areas they cover. These are the locations linked to corporate, and their leaders to keep in compliance. Because diversity and ethnics can encompass so much it is essential for management to know how to work with both. For example, management can assign a task to any employee, but if that employee does not have that skill to complete the task in the end, the results are less than desirable. Because of this management must need to know how to assign tasks and work with the diversity they have in the employees. Ethnics on the other hand should be uniform and level throughout the organization, because it aligns management and all personnel within the company in behaviors, and values. Ethnics also play a major role in public relations, because the organization’s ethnics reflect the image the public has of them. This is all brought together with the controlling function of management. Monitoring the entire organization, developing new ideas, and applying changes happen here. This includes monitoring sales, controlling costs, and adjusting as needed. If a promotion in a certain region is performing badly, then marketing may be tasked with analyzing that market again to see if a different promotion or strategy would work better there. Cost control would be monitored with the control function, things such as logistics, internal communications, purchasing, and human resources all need to be overseen and adjusted as market and profits allow or demand. To summarize internal and external factors such as globalization, technology, innovation, diversity, and ethnics affect almost every aspect of any organization. From the top of CEO of the organization down to the front line managers, these factors affect both on a daily basis. When making decisions all these things must be considered and applied to the specific market or situation. Just as the point of sale manager must consider diversity when making decisions about assignments, and day-to-day operations so must the upper level executive when dealing with the diversity place upon him when dealing with shareholders, or other organizational officers. Globalization affects just about any organization in existence as well. With digital age comes the need to compete not only with the local influences and factors, but with global as well. Technology and innovation I do not think can be ignored or escaped in any organization today. Again, with the digital age so many people rely on social applications and similar venues for marketing and development that to ignore this be a serious error. Depending on the organization, these functions are necessary for some. The world has become too competitive to not monitor these and keep up with one’s competition.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Top Ten Reasons For Legalizing Euthanasia :: Argument in Favor of Euthanasia

Euthanasia has always been a taboo subject in some cultures. People all over the world so openly engage in conversation in matters of life. But when it comes to the other half of life, death, no one likes discussing it. Only terrorists claim how glorious death will be. These are some of the reasons that many people in society feel that euthanasia is morally wrong. Who is to say when it is time for someone to die or how much a person should suffer before they are allowed to end their life? How does someone know what the right age is that people should die? Should people be allowed to end their life when they feel their health is degenerating? Just keep in mind the word euthanasia comes from the Greek words eu â€Å"good† and thanatos â€Å"death.† Literal translation is â€Å"good death.† There are a variety of meanings and ways to be euthanized. The meaning of euthanasia is the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. (The key word here is â€Å"intentional†. If death is not intended, it is not an act of euthanasia.) Euthanasia by action is intentionally causing a person’s death by performing an action such as by giving a lethal injection. Euthanasia by omission is intentionally causing death by not providing necessary and ordinary (usual and customary) care or food and water. What euthanasia is not: there is no euthanasia unless the death is intentionally caused by what was done or not done. Thus, some medical actions that are often labeled "passive euthanasia" are no form of euthanasia, since the intention to take life is lacking. These acts include not commencing treatment that would not provide a benefit to the patient, withdrawing treatment that has been shown to be ineffective, too burdenso me or is unwanted, and the giving of high doses of pain-killers that may endanger life, when they have been shown to be necessary. All those are part of good medical practice, endorsed by law, when they are properly carried out. (Euthanasia definitions) Euthanasia also includes assisted suicide. If a doctor is involved with the death of a patient or person it is called physician assisted. Until recent times the word euthanasia was thought of as dying from old age or a natural death. In the nineteenth century is when physicians and politicians started using it as a life shortening death, taking years away from someone that could live a long life if cared for properly.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Thomas More wrote Utopia a few years before the Protestant Reformation, during a period rife with religious instability. Not everyone trusted the corrupt Roman Catholic Church, and many Europeans looked elsewhere for their religious inspiration. Though the Utopian religion has some similarities with Catholicism and Protestantism, it is an entirely unique belief system uninfluenced by the numerous European faiths of the period. The main thing the sets the utopian religion apart Is its complete religious tolerance.While all the utopian religions are monotheistic and all their god by a general Utopian term of Matthias, they disagree on who exactly Matthias is. The only belief that is not allowed is atheism. Utopians feel that if an individual does not think that he Is responsible for his actions, and that there Is one Supreme Being who controls the world, then there is nothing to stop him from breaking laws and causing disorder. The Utopians don't believe in predestination like many sec ts of Protestantism does.All the religions meet at one church and serve under the same priest. In church one is not allowed to say anything that's offensive to another religion because of on early Utopian law saying that no one should suffer or be made uncomfortable due to his religion. A Utopian can try to convert others to their religion if they are able to present their argument calmly and reasonably. All this is very deferent from any of the European religions, who were constantly going to war with each other In the name of god.Catholic kings would go on crusades against the Muslims; Jews during the Spanish Inquisition were kicked at of their homes and persecuted for believing differently, and after the protestant reformation Catholics ND Protestants had years of bloody warfare. Even the religious leaders themselves would start war, such as when Luther declared war on the Jews and the peasants. Religious tolerance was something that didn't come to Europe until much later. Anothe r thing that shows the uniqueness of the utopian religion is the way they elect and serve their priests. Priests are chosen by the people in a secret election.Unlike Catholics and Protestants who have numerous corrupt priests, utopians have very few, because of difficulty finding someone moral enough for the Job. The Priest Is also he highest power in the land. This is very opposite of Protestants, who believe in a â€Å"priesthood of all Believers† that the priest is equal to the parishioner. Priests, similar to Lutheran are allowed to marry, and their wives are treated like high members of society. Priest also cannot be punished for crime, utopians believe that someone who dedicated himself to god can only be punished by god himself and not through human hands.A widowed elderly woman is also allowed to become priest which is something that's not allowed by any other religion. The priest also went to war with he utopians for the purpose of Inspiring the troops, preventing ex cess killing, and pacifying the enemy's vengeance. The utopians worship their god in a very unique way. In church they do not sacrifice any animals because they do not think that a merciful god would enjoy senseless bloodshed. This shows how the Utopians would not have approved of the flagellant movement In the fourteenth century.The flagellants were groups of clerics that would go from town to town and whip their bare skin to inspire public repentance. If the Utopians wouldn't even draw an 1 OFF animal's b tort no reason they would never nave approved to hurting oneself tort a oddly purpose. The Utopians do burn incense, because they feel that the scent somehow raises people's thoughts. They do not burn them for god because they know he has no use for such things. Similar to the Protestants the Utopians don't focus on acts of devotion. The Utopians, unlike the Catholics, have no visual representations of god anywhere. They also don't believe in omens and fortune telling.Their calen dar, like the Catholic one, is based on a solar year divided into lunar months. The Utopian religion has a confusing stance on female equality. On the one hand they allow woman to become priests which is something that's unheard of in any of the European religions, but they also make woman confess all there wrong doings to their husbands before any holiday. They give woman a chance at equality, but then also show them how they are inferior to their husbands. While this does seem paradoxical, it does offer more gender equality than any other religion. The Utopians are also hypocritical with their religious punishments.They have a law eying a priest cannot punish a sinner because that is the Job of the government. The most drastic punishment they allow the priest to give is excommunication. Yet if the excommunicated one does not convince the priest that he is reformed, he is arrested and punished by the counsel for sinfulness. So the priest technically has the power to punish in a ver y roundabout but powerful way. He can decide who is reformed or not and through that he is given the power to imprison. If a counsel can arrest and try an individual for impiety, doesn't that mean a person is suffering because of their elision.This proves that although the Utopians say they offer complete religious freedom, a person can still suffer because of his beliefs. The truly devout Utopians do one of two things. The holier ones take vows of chastity similar to the Catholics, and eat a very strict diet consisting of no meat. The less holy yet more admired ones take upon themselves heavy labor that will benefit the community. It is more admired in Utopia to do heavy work for the community then to live a life of chastity. This is very different from the Catholic mentality.Catholics admire priests as holy and serve them only because the priest was able to devote his life purely to god and give up human desires. The peasants who spend the whole day doing backbreaking labor are vi ewed as the lowest of society even though what they do greatly benefits everyone else. Thomas More would not have though the Utopian religion was ideal. More himself was a devote Catholic who even died for his faith. He played an integral role as Lord Chancellor in persecuting the Protestants after the reformation. He would not have proved of the complete religious toleration of the Utopians.Also the Utopian laws allowing euthanasia, divorce, and married and female priests are completely against the teachings of the Catholic Church. He wrote Utopia as a way of criticizing the Catholic Church for all of its corruptions not as a blueprint for a new religion. At the end of the book More says that while Hathaway was speaking he kept thinking how some of the Utopian laws were Just bizarre. He says â€Å"quite apart from such things as their military tactics, religions, and forms of worship, there was a grand absurdity on which their whole society is based, communism without money. (Utop ia 113) This quote proves how Mores intention in writing Utopia was not to create a new way of life, but to criticize the fraudulent doings of contemporary European society. Although Utopia is championed as the ideal place to live there has yet to be a country that NAS tried to mimic its way to elite. Even More himself would nave rejected its unique religion. But regardless of its desirability, the Utopian religion has proven to be a completely unique belief system uninfluenced by contemporary religious beliefs.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Business website design Essay

Here are the sections which are included in this proposal Introduction A brief statement about the company and what is required from the client Client requirements Here is what the client would require from the website in detail User needs A description of the target audience and what they require and expect Objectives The purpose of the website and what it hopes to achieve Explanations for Here is why specific options were chosen as opposed to others reason of treatment Proposed contents What the website compromises of Human resources The professionals which are required to produce the website Breakdown of Breakdown of the tasks within the project project Introduction Zak Autospare is a medium sized business based in Huddersfield. The main line of business is a wide range of car products from car parts to car audio. The business has a large amount of clients varying from mechanics to people with need of car parts. There are five workers at Zak Autospare, one of these being a manager and another the owner. The new website will advertise the business nationally as opposed to being only local at the moment, it will allow clients to purchase via the web, the main emphasis here will be upon car audio and car accessories such as alloy wheels, seats, steering wheels, etc. The website will be an advantage to Zak Autospare because as well as trading over the counter they can make extra sales via the website, most buyers would be people requiring parts they need for their car and then ordering them through the website and within a matter of days the will receive those particular products. Overall the website will bring forward new clients as well as new business ideas and possible expansion of the business to other towns and cities. Client Requirements The clients would require a website, which projects their dedication to providing and efficient service which delivers quality products. The website will reflect the businesses image of being a reliable service and having an excellent after sales service. It will also state the low prices and competitively priced products, which customers can enjoy for a cheap price. The client will require the following from the website: * The site will be created in HTML as opposed to Flash since everyone does not have Flash and maybe be reluctant to download it * The site will be linked to a searchable database (linked to current database using Microsoft ASP) to allow its users (customers) to use the website easily and efficiently * The database will also include a search facility starting with the user being able to input the type of car they have and from there being given a range of options leading to the relevant car part or product * The company logo will be used throughout the website to achieve recognition and a unique brand and name. This will be the same logo which is out on the shop itself * The site will have to incorporate many images, that are quickly downloaded therefore large web space * An effective shopping cart allowing the users (customers) to purchase products confidently and securely over the internet. * Personal email address to allow sufficient contact between the business and its electronic customers while also allowing the ability for customers to query desirable products. * Separate pages for each category, i. e. page for wheels, page for engine parts, page for car audio, etc User needs. The main users of the website will be people who own cars (Class C1, C2, D and possibly A and B, these would probably buy car audio since it does not require as much work as fitting in a car part) and possibly mechanics from car garages, here they will order when they require particular parts and are not available from elsewhere. The user needs have been investigated and researched by asking questions to existing customers and people who have used the internet to purchase parts and accessories for their car, the following are profiles of possible users and what they will require from this website. User 1: Name: Harpreet Singh Age: 21. Occupation: Student Car: Ford Fiesta XR2i Internet shopper: Yes From this user what was found was, this type of user required the website to have images for as many car parts and products possible. They would like for the car audio section to have an image of the product alongside a full specification list, this will allow the user to view the product as well as reading up on the features and options of the particular product. They would also like the option of having an image of a car and then being able to change the wheels to different types of alloys which in return would give them an idea of how the particular alloys would look on a car. One of this type of user category would have liked the option of being able to test the sound quality of CD players, this obviously would not be possible but what was found from this was that most buyers buy CD players and general car audio because of its brand and alongside this they would also rely on the features the system carries to ensure they are happy with the product they are about to purchase. The user would expect the prices of car audio and alloy wheels to be reasonable and possibly given the opportunity of being able to do price comparisons with other similar websites. User 2: Name: Robert Mason. Age: 28 Occupation: Auto Mechanic Car: Renault Laguna Internet shopper: Yes This type of user would expect a large range of parts for a majority of cars. He would also expect many electrical accessories such as speakers, stereos and all forms of wiring and fuses. Both of these users have excellent knowledge of the internet and they use it for information and shopping and would both expect transactions to be made securely and deliveries within reasonable times. Objectives The primary objective of the site is to introduce ZAK Autospare to a wider range of customers and to increase their customer base. The rest of the objectives are listed below: Allow regular customers and new customers to purchase through the internet, which in return will provide more sales   Show full description of products available with clear images, which are quickly downloaded with prices alongside   Since the business already has a logo, a new logo will not have to be created, this logo will be used through out the website to remind the user whose site they are on and reinforce this name, so that when they think of car parts and audio they think of Zak Autospare. An email facility to provide thorough contact between customers and business   Show the latest range of products, which will be updated regularly to ensure customers have a wide and latest range of products to choose from * Ensure customer satisfaction with product guarantees and the option of returning products with in 14 days with a receipt and the product being unused, this is all currently available from Zak Autospare Explanation of reasons for treatment The initial idea was to create the website in Flash but after discussion, the decision was made to crate it using HTML. Even though the website would probably look better produced in Flash, many people do not have Flash and these people may not wish to download Flash in order to view this website, so it would be a better idea to produce the website in HTML instead. The owner and manager are familiar with HTML, which gives them a greater understanding as to how the website operates. Alongside this, the cost of the producing the website in Flash would be higher than a normal HTML site. The website will be linked to Zak Autospare’s current database which is produced in Microsoft Access 97, the two shall be linked using Microsoft Asp’s, the scripts will be of searching (searching the website through the database) as well as adding (when an order is placed) and subtracting (when an order is removed or cancelled). The reason for using Asp is because this is used by many websites and is also known by the manager of Zak Autospare. The Asp creation is cheaper when linked to a HTML site opposed to a Flash site, so this will help keep costs low. This option is ideal since most sites are connected to Access databases with the use of Asp’s, rather than business owners linking sites to databases produced in SQL, etc. At first it was decided that the site would be named www. zakautospare. co. uk but after discussion it was decided that this name was slightly long winded and not very ‘snappy’, so it was decided that the site would be named www. zaks. co. uk, which was an excellent name, snappy and punchy whilst being short and easy to remember but unfortunately this name was already in use so as an alternative the name www.zaksshop. co. uk was decided to be suitable, this name is still snappy and seems more friendly and warm. However the logos used on the site would still be named Zak, since this is the sign outside the shop itself. Images will be order from product suppliers and companies, such as Pioneer will give images of all their products. On the site itself there will be images of the shop itself, since it is very attractive with various lights, etc. This will give the user a feel of the business they are dealing with.

Friday, November 8, 2019

A Biographical Profile of Neil deGrasse Tyson

A Biographical Profile of Neil deGrasse Tyson American astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is one of the most popular and prolific science communicators of the early twenty-first century. Neil deGrasse Tyson Biographical Information Birth Date: October 5, 1958 Birthplace: New York, NY, USA (Born in Manhattan, raised in Bronx) Ethnicity: African-American/Puerto Rican Educational Background Neil deGrasse Tyson developed an interest in astronomy at age 9. While attending the Bronx High School of Science, Tyson was editor-in-chief of the schools Physical Science Journal. He was giving lectures on astronomy at the age of fifteen, foreshadowing a career in science communication. When he looked for a college, he came to the attention of Carl Sagan at Cornell University, and Sagan proved to be something of a mentor to him, despite the fact that he ultimately chose to attend Harvard. He has earned the following degrees: 1980 - B.A. physics, Harvard University1983 - M.A. astronomy, University of Texas at Austin1989 - Ph.M. astrophysics, Columbia University1991 - Ph.D. astrophysics, Columbia University He has since earned a number of honorary degrees. Non-Scientific Extracurricular Pursuits Awards Tyson was captain of his high school wrestling team. Despite some time during his freshman year at Harvard on the crew team (rowing, for those of us who didnt attend ivy league colleges), Tyson returned to wrestling and lettered in the sport during his senior year at Harvard. He was also an avid dancer and in 1985 earned an International Latin Ballroom Style gold medal with the University of Texas dance team. In 2000, Dr. Tyson was named the Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive by People Magazine (begging the question of which non-living astrophysicists may have beaten him). Though this is technically an award that he got because he was an astrophysicist, since the award itself is for a non-scientific achievement (his raw sexiness), weve decided to classify it here rather than with his academic achievements. Though related to his scientific views, Tyson has been categorized as an atheist because he advocates that religion has no place in influencing scientific questions and debates. He has, however, argued that if he must be classified, he believes that his stance is better categorized as agnosticism than atheism, since he claims no definitive position on the existence or non-existence of God. He did, however, receive the 2009 Isaac Asimov Science Award from the American Humanist Association. Academic Research Related Achievements Neil deGrasse Tysons research is largely in the realm of astrophysics and cosmology, with an emphasis in areas of stellar and galactic formation and evolution. This research, as well as his work as an avid science communicator with a wide range of popular science publications, helped position him for a position as director the Hayden Planetarium at the Rose Center for Earth and Space, part of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Dr. Tyson has received a number of awards and honors, including the following: 2001 - Appointed by President George W. Bush to Commission on the Future of the United Aerospace Industry2001 - The Tech 100 (Crains Magazines list of 100 most influential technology leaders in New York)2001 - Medal of Excellence, Columbia University, New York City2004 - Appointed by President George W. Bush to Presidents Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy2004 - NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal2004 - Fifty Most Important African-Americans in Research Science2007 - Klopsteg Memorial Award winner2007 - Time 100 (Time Magazines list of 100 most influential persons in the world)2008 - 50 Best Brains in Science (Discover Magazine)2009 - Douglas S. Morrow Public Outreach award Plutos Demotion The Rose Center for Earth and Space Science re-classified Pluto as an icy comet in XXXX, sparking a media firestorm. The man behind this decision was Neil deGrasse Tyson himself, the director of the Rose Center, though he was not acting alone. The debate got so intense that it had to be resolved by a vote at the International Astronomical Union (IAU) at their 2006 General Assembly, which decided Pluto was not a planet, but was actually a dwarf planet. (Not, it should be noted, the icy comet classification that the Rose Center originally used.) Tysons involvement in the debate was the basis for this 2010 book The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of Americas Favorite Planet, which focuses not only on the science related to the debate, but also considerations about the publics perceptions of Pluto. Popular Books Merlins Tour of the Universe (1989) - Tysons first book was a collection of question/answer pieces from the popular astronomy magazine Star Date. It is told through the narrative tool of being answered by Merlin, an alien visitor to Earth from Planet Omniscia, who has spent much time on Earth and been friends with many of Earths greatest scientists throughout history, such as Johannes Kepler and Albert Einstein.Universe Down to Earth (1994) - A popular book intended to introduce non-science audiences to the current science of astrophysics. While of historical interest, it should be noted that in 1994 there was no evidence of dark energy, so our understanding of the universe has transformed substantially since that time, so a more recent volume is suggested to get a modern introduction.Just Visiting This Planet (1998) - This is follow-up volume to Merlins Tour of the Universe, with additional question/answer pieces from Star Date magazine.One Universe: At Home in the Cosmos (2000) - C o-authored with Charles Tsun-Chu Liu and Robert Iroion, this book again tries to explain key astrophysics concepts, but has the added benefit of being a beautiful volume containing many photographs. At the time of this writing, however, this book appears to be out of print and largely unavailable, but there are no shortage of more recent books that cover this material and offer pictures from Hubble and other space telescopes. Cosmic Horizons: Astronomy at the Cutting Edge (2000) - Co-edited with Steven Soter, this again is an illustrated book that attempts to explain the key features of modern astrophysics.City of Stars: A New Yorkers Guide to the Cosmos (2002) - The title is interesting, but this book also appears to be out of print, and finding information on it is even less forthcoming.My Favorite Universe (2003) - Based on Dr. Tysons 12-part lecture series of the same name through The Great Courses video lecture series.Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution (2004) - Co-authored with Donald Goldsmith, this is a companion volume to his four-part Origins miniseries for PBS Nova series, focusing on the current state of cosmology.The Sky is Not the Limit: Adventures of an Urban Astrophysicist (2004) - This is an engaging memoir of Neil deGrasse Tysons life, and how his early interest in the night sky eventually led him to become an astrophysicist. Insights are offered into various challenges h e faced, including the racial challenges of being a minority physicist, making this a memoir that is worthwhile and educational on a number of different levels. Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandries (2007) - This is a collection of several of Dr. Tysons most popular articles.The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of Americas Favorite Planet (2010) - In this book, Dr. Tyson discusses some of the key scientific and non-scientific elements of the debate over Plutos controversial demotion from a planet classification to one of dwarf planet.Space Chronicles (2014) - In this collection of essays, Dr. Tyson muses on the past, present, and future of the space program. Specifically focusing on the program in the United States, he outlines a vision for largely unmanned space exploration that can yield positive scientific results at significantly reduced costs and risk to human life. He also goes into some depth in the discussion of the economics and motivation at work in the history of the space program, and the challenges that future achievements would have to overcome. Television Other Media Neil deGrasse Tyson has been a guest on so many media sources that it would be virtually impossible to list them all. Since he lives in New York City, hes frequently a go-to science expert for a variety of shows, including appearances in morning shows for major networks. Below are some of his most noteworthy media appearances: Dr. Tyson has repeatedly appeared on both The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report for Comedy Central. On one such appearance, he told Jon Stewart that the globe in the background of his television studio is actually rotating the wrong direction.Video clips of Dr. Tyson from The Daily Show with Jon StewartVideo clips of Dr. Tyson from The Colbert ReportStarTalk Radio Podcast - Dr. Tyson hosts a podcast through the Hayden Planetarium, called StarTalk, where he discusses various science topics, interviews interesting guests, and answers assorted questions from his audience. A video edition of the podcast is also available through YouTube.Nova ScienceNOW - Dr. Tyson was the host of the PBS series Nova ScienceNOW from 2006 through 2011 (seasons 2 through 5), introducing the various segments and then wrapping things up at the end of the episode, often sporting a stylish space-themed vest.Cosmos: A Space-Time Odyssey - Fox is bringing back the science mini-series Cosmos, in 2 014, and Neil deGrasse Tyson is going to be the narrator. Created with Carl Sagans widow Ann Druyan (who was instrumental in the first Cosmos as well) and animator Seth McFarlane, the show is slated to begin airing episodes on March 9, 2014, on both Fox and the National Geographic Channel. Edited by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Differences Between Population and Sample Standard Deviations

Differences Between Population and Sample Standard Deviations When considering standard deviations, it may come as a surprise that there are actually two that can be considered. There is a population standard deviation and there is a sample standard deviation. We will distinguish between the two of these and highlight their differences. Qualitative Differences Although both standard deviations measure variability, there are differences between a population and a sample standard deviation. The first has to do with the distinction between statistics and parameters. The population standard deviation is a parameter, which is a fixed value calculated from every individual in the population. A sample standard deviation is a statistic. This means that it is calculated from only some of the individuals in a population. Since the sample standard deviation depends upon the sample, it has greater variability. Thus the standard deviation of the sample is greater than that of the population. Quantitative Difference We will see how these two types of standard deviations are different from one another numerically. To do this we consider the formulas for both the sample standard deviation and the population standard deviation. The formulas to calculate both of these standard deviations are nearly identical: Calculate the mean.Subtract the mean from each value to obtain deviations from the mean.Square each of the deviations.Add together all of these squared deviations. Now the calculation of these standard deviations differs: If we are calculating the population standard deviation, then we divide by n,  the number of data values.If we are calculating the sample standard deviation, then we divide by n -1, one less than the number of data values. The final step, in either of the two cases that we are considering,  is to take the square root of the quotient from the previous step. The larger the value of n is, the closer that the population and sample standard deviations will be. Example Calculation To compare these two calculations, we will start with the same data set: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 We next carry out all of the steps that are common to both calculations.  Following this out calculations will diverge from one another and we will distinguish between the population and sample standard deviations. The mean is (1 2 4 5 8) / 5 20/5 4. The deviations are found by subtracting the mean from each value: 1 - 4 -32 - 4 -24 - 4   05 - 4 18 - 4 4. The deviations squared are as follows: (-3)2 9(-2)2 402 012 142 16 We now add these squared deviations and see that their sum is 9 4 0 1 16 30. In our first calculation, we will treat our data as if it is the entire population.  We divide by the number of data points, which is five.  This means that the population variance is 30/5 6.  The population standard deviation is the square root of 6. This is approximately 2.4495. In our second calculation, we will treat our data as if it is a sample and not the entire population.  We divide by one less than the number of data points.  So, in this case, we divide by four.  This means that the sample variance is 30/4 7.5.  The sample standard deviation is the square root of 7.5.  This is approximately 2.7386. It is very evident from this example that there is a difference between the population and sample standard deviations.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Analysis of Section 2-204 of the Uniform Contract Code Assignment

Analysis of Section 2-204 of the Uniform Contract Code - Assignment Example The offer has to be accepted and this acceptance has to be communicated to the other party. The acceptance has to be with respect to a particular consideration. Such consideration has to be in respect to the contract which is formed. The consideration is the purpose behind which every contract is formed. After the acceptance and the communication of the same, the contract starts to exist. Purpose and Function of Uniform Commercial Code: â€Å"The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), a comprehensive code addressing most aspects of commercial law, is generally viewed as one of the most important developments in American law.† â€Å"This body of law, created by a private author, aimed to create a uniform scheme applicable to the sale of goods and commercial transactions. The UCC applies to the sales of goods and commercial transactions. The sales of goods involve the buying and selling of tangible items, such as boxes of a product. Commercial transactions include primarily banking tra nsactions and are considered debt instruments.† Understanding from the above notions with respect to the Uniform Commercial Code, we can ascertain that the Uniform Commercial Code governs and manages all the contracts formed within the different territories of the United States of America. The Uniform Commercial Code basically creates a uniform scheme and system for all the contracts which are formed in the United States of America. The Uniform Commercial Code, therefore, is a procedural and a substantive law which overlooks the affairs of all the contractual obligations taken forwards in the realm of the contract law in the United States of America. Contract of Sale: In order to understand the contract of sale, here is an example which shall help explain the infer functioning and the working of the contract for sale. Don, who is a shopkeeper, has an Apple showroom. He is running the Apple showroom in Oklahoma and manages all the Apple products.  Ã‚  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Audit proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Audit proposal - Essay Example This therefore shows that an audit should be frequently undertaken and in a very concise manner. Another reason it should always be undertaken is that it helps mitigate the possibility of any risks in the operations of the business. In line with the above, an auditor selected to conduct one to an organization needs to write an audit proposal to convince the management on the importance of conducting the audit and how cost effective they are likely to do it and achieve the organizational objectives. A proposal must be detailed and thorough, prepared in an ethical and professional manner (Blazek, 2008). Types of Audits applicable There are several forms of audit that can be performed to Kudler fine foods. This is to ensure its smooth operations, sure financial stability, and accountability and the most is, the audit to ensure that it’s system controls function effectively. Among the types of audits we have; financial audits, this is done ascertain the reliability, reliance, fair ness, accuracy of the financial data. Financial data that can be relied upon aids in the planning of several company activities, good financial data helps an organization in focusing into the future (Blazek, 2008). Another type of audit is the operations audit that is generally concerned with the audit of the general operations, with operations audit there comes an aspect of evaluation and assessment of the fine foods operations accompanied with complex operation structures incorporating the use of modern technology like the use of software in handling the assets of the restaurants. Information systems audit entails general controls review, application controls review and systems control review. General controls would involve assessment of the general system applications and security. Their development is fundamental and their maintenance comes with the package of these controls. Application control revolves around the review of several application systems within the organization. T he controls on inputs, processing and outputs are extensively analyzed, examined, and then assessed to determine their effectiveness. The last on this is the systems control review is the overview of the systematic development of a new system. This runs right from the identification of the organizational objectives, then the system development organizational needs. Lastly, there is the implementation of a system and evaluated. To crown it all Kudler fine foods can also apply the integrated audit system, which is easier to apply since it, summarizes all the above types of audits in totality (Blazek, 2008). Audit process recommended and application The fine foods restaurant is established in a system, which is industry specific and is in the verge of cost reduction measures. Its employees also have vast knowledge of the systems under which the fine foods restaurant operates. Kudler fine foods have installed a software system for efficient inventory control, efficient monitoring, and c ontrol of cash as the major assets of the business venture. The system handles effective acquisition of materials for the organization and issuance of the same materials. The software is also used to handle the accounting needs of the organization and therefore accurate financial reporting for decision-making. To control and allocate labor costs efficiently, the software system allows for a clock card process to account for the number of labor hours actually worked. Dummy workers are a major problem in majority of organizations and many organizations normally loose monetary resources through such leakages. The payroll process ensures that the right payments are made to the right people at the right time and without any loss of valuable