9/8/12 Quaid-e-A zam (Mohammad A li J innah) Upcom ing even nts: Shik wa Ses s ions Progra m : The Ins piration of Allama Iqbal PAKISTAN FOUNDERS CELEBRATION COM M ITTEE 12 S. Firs t Street, Suite 600 , San Jos e, CA 95113 Tel: (408) 294-0404 Fax: (408) 294 6659 Mohammad Ali Jinnah Jinnah videodisk Upcoming Shikwa sittings + P ro g ra m A rch i ve s Shair-e-Maghrib Progra m Re gistra tion: Intens ive Iqbal Seminar Subs c ribe to pak founders insert email addres s Quaid-i-Azam, Founding get of Pakistan (December 25, 1876 - September 11, 1948) provide by groups .y ahoo.c om Online Cre dit Ca rd Pa ym e nts Pa kista ni Am e rica n Stude nt Schola rship Essa y Com pe tition Sponsorship certify a tion F AM ILY F ather: Jinnah Poonja. One of octad children. marital Emibai in 1892 (she died 1893). Married Ratanbai Ruttie Petit, daughter of Sir Dinshaw Petit, a pissed Bombay Parsee, in 1918. Ruttie died in 1929. Daughter: Dina Wa dia (married to Neville Wadia, a Christian).

EDUCATION Sindh Madrasstul Islam, Karachi Gokal cony T ej Pal coach, Bombay Christian Missionary Society in high spirits School, Karachi, 1891 Bar-at-Law, Lincolns Inn, London, 1895 POSITIONS HELD Legal practice, Bombay, 1897 Imperial legislative Council, 1910-1919 Elected member of All-India Muslim League, 1915 Participates in Round T able Conference(s), 1930 (Settles in London, 1931-34) President, Leagues Lucknow Session, 1937 President, Leagues Lahore Session; Lahore Resolution adopted, 1940 Pakistans first Governor-General, 1947 Ear lier Life http s://www. g1g. com/jinnah/ 1/7 9/8/12 ! Ear lier Life Quaid-e-A zam (Mohammad A li J innah) Quaid-e-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on 25th December 1876 at Vazeer foretoken Karachi, was the first of seven children of Jinnah bhai, a prosperous merchant. after(prenominal) being taught at home, Jinnah was sent to the Sindh Madrasah High School in 1887. Later he attended the Mission High...If you wish to get a plentiful essay, order it on our website:
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